Wednesday, September 10, 2008

tagged by dear kelly HO~

thanks for remembering to tag me...>.<''
shouldn't have go to ur blog... XD
sry to others if u'd tagged me but i din do the tag....

1. Six people to tag:
-yin sze
-chea ying
-ei! my friends dun come read my blog... and those who come... done this tag edi lar...

2. Six things I’m passionate about:
-to be good in ONE if the sports that i know
-jeans that fits me good
-get a good rest after stressing myself
-the handsome guy i saw today!
-definetely FOOD

3. Six things I say too often:
-what the....
-shit(i know it's not nice but still it just comes out of my mouth)
-dunno edi la... if u know u tell me la
-do uactually know that i'll just smile back to u if i dun hear what u said

4. Six books I’ve read recently:
-one piece(it's actually a comic... found it on the dining table)
-books that are related for malaysian studies assignment(global warming punya summore)

5. Six songs I listen to again and again:
-prisoner of love(japanese song! i just LOVE it)
-take a bow(rihanna)
-love song(dunno whose one... always heard it in radio)
-stop and stare
- arvil lavigne's songs~ i just never get bored with her songs!
-others i forgot the name edi la!

6. Six things I learnt in the past year:
-try to follow my heart even though i really CARE about what people say especially my parents... it's just so hard for them to support what i want and i really dun have the will to challenge them
-really need to study damn fxxking hard now edi lar! CAT a... dun study?? DIE la...
-exercise more la.... to get healthy and keep fit! muahaha
-i really have to reaction to those guys that people say they are handsome and good looking but i dun find them really that nice... but for those whom i see handsome! i'll go crazy! XD
-i really need my friends around... without them i'm just not me... for those whom i dun see so often now~ i really really missed u guys....
-having someone who drives u everywhere u want is really a good thing... driving is tiring sometimes...

ps: hope my answers answered the questions.... sometimes i just too "good" enough to give wrong answers... just like what i "cleverly" did for exams....

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